Spread out of the American version of children’s book “Woesj!”.
Title: Whose Hat Is That?
ISBN: 9781605371856
Publisher: Clavis Publishing Inc.
Category: Uncategorized
Available at Society6.
Mugs, Throw Pillows and more.
Happy holidays!
New picture book “Kameleon ziet kleuren”
Chameleon thinks the world is black and white, until one day he looks outside. It is then, when he sees other animals in beautiful colours.
Next spring the picture book “Kameleon ziet kleuren” will be published by Clavis Publishers.
Signing Session Antwerp Bookfair
Book signing at the Antwerp Bookfair
Saterday the 9th of November you can find Anita Bijsterbosch at the Antwerp Bookfair for a book signing event.
Stand 212 – Clavis Publishers.
Bookfair Antwerp 2013
The annual bookfair in Antwerp will be held from 31st of October until 12th of november in Antwerp. There is a lot to do! Here is a link to the website.
Pictures of the Kinderboekenweek 2013
Workshops in Library Brummen, Eerbeek and Twello.
Exhibition illustrations during the Kinderboekenweek 2013
Where: Library Brummen, Eerbeek and Twello.
When: Throughout October.