What do you see?

Take a good look around you… What do you see at home, in the bedroom and the bathroom, the kitchen and the living room? And outside, in the garden and the vegetable garden? And which animals and vehicles do you know?

Learning words becomes a pleasure with this cardboard book packed with easily recognizable pictures. For curious little ones from 2 years old.

Title: Wat zie je?
Publisher: Clavis Uitgeverij
ISBN: 9789044838534


  • Israel, Matar Publishing House.
  • Basque Country, Elkar Argitaletxeak.
  • Denmark, Turbine.
  • Apakah itu? Indonesia, PT Clavis Global.
  • USA, Clavis Publishing.
  • Che cosa vedo? Italy, Il Castello.
  • Norway, Cappelen Damm.
  • Czechia, Svojtka & Co., s.r.o.